Morgan Elaine was born on Sunday, July 27th 2008. She was 7 lbs. 3 oz. and 19" long. She was born at 7:03pm. Chris is now a proud papa !!
This is my husband Chris. He is such an amazing person and I am so lucky to have him in my life. We have so much fun together and the past four years have flown by. Now we are parents (scary, I know) and Chris is such a great father to Morgan !!
Me and my sweet husband (he's pretty cute huh?)
Here is a picture of my awesome family: Tannon, McCall, Mom (Marsha), Dad (Al), me and Chris.
Hello everyone!! Since Morgan is now in my life, I've decided to finally post a blog. As many of you know, I am computer illiterate, so my sweet sister has helped me get my blog going. I will get more pictures posted soon, so check back soon.