Thursday, March 25, 2010


So last week we took a little vacation to Pittsburgh, PA to see McCall and Tannon. We had such a good time hanging out with them and just being together. We sure packed in as much as we could while we were there. We went to the Children's Museum, the zoo, a great bakery in Oakmont, and of course just had a great time hanging out. I just love being with my sister and I love seeing Morgan and her together. Morgan adores McCall, she even called her "mommy" and wanted absolutely nothing to do with me back in Pittsburgh! Here is a bit of what we did! (Sorry, lots and lots of pics)!

Much to my surprise, Pittsburgh is an awesome place with beautiful views of the city. I couldn't believe how many bridges were there. It's no wonder Pitt is called the "City of Bridges!" These pics were taken on Mt. Washington and the view was breathtaking.

Mt. Washington at night is spectacular!!

Morgan, McCall and Tannon on top of Mt. Washington

Chris, Morgan, Tannon and Cally at the
Pittsburgh Zoo

The Pittsburgh Children's Museum

I had no idea that Mr. Rogers was from Pittsburgh!
And let me tell you, I was a huge fan of his show. It
was so cool cause the whole lower level of the museum
was dedicated to Mr. Rogers and had everything from
his set, but I will just show you a few and not bore
everyone. This is a pic of McCall, Morgan and Me
on the swing from his set.

Here, Chris is performing a puppet
show that Morgan was not interested
in at all!

The museum also had an awesome floor
just full of water that kids could put on
croc shoes and a rain coat and just get
wet!! Morgan was in HEAVEN!!

Morgan playing at the museum

Morgan and Auntie M making silly faces on camera!

Me and Morgan on the fastest slide ever! I was
quite surprised how freakin' fast this thing was
(my face tells all). The thing is only like 15 feet
long, I was afraid that I was going to crash with
my baby! (Luckily I didn't).

Morgan on the old Oakmont railroad

St. Patrick's Day

McCall and Tannon were so sweet,
They got Morgie a Leprechaun pinata
for St. Patrick's Day! She loved it.

Morgan with her "lucky" headband


Morgan wearing the traditional hat in Williamsburg

Me and Morgan in Jamestowne

Chris and Morgan in Jamestowne

Chris finally got to go back to Virginia (where he served his LDS mission) and take me to all the sites. We had a great time there, I got to meet one of his converts as well as stay with one of his friends from there. Thanks babe!